"The Rainbow in Coron, May 28,2007", photo by Orlando
Three years ago, I discovered Coron, Busuanga Island and its neighbouring Calamianes Islands on a work and play tour with friends Beatriz and Nancy. Both love coming and going in this island while it was my first time. I was awed by its pristine waters, the beauty that until now, I cannot find any appropriate word/s to describe. This is where I have rediscovered the bliss of being in commune with nature, and the joy of playing inthe sand, swimming, snorkeling, boat ride, sight seeing and appreciating everything which is wonderfully made.
Five days after that fantastic trip, we have to leave(we only planned a three-day trip). Although I was not excited to go back to Manila, my travel companions(now very close friends) have important tasks given their huge job responsibilities- so we went to the then very simple and quiet airport. I was quiet and thankful for the strong rains, rendering zero visibility for the pilot who has to reroute to Kalibo prior to landing at the lone Busuanga Airport.
We were with an islander, Orlando who had been a close friend of my then travelling companions and he was quiet amused at how I instantly liked the island so much making me planning for a relocation at Coron town as soon as possible. While waiting for a couple of hours delayed flight, he kindly showed as around souviner shops where I got a lovely earring made of indigenous material at Beatriz' prodding. Then we saw the rainbow and the islander that he is, he boldly declared that our flight will push through. Growing up being mostly staying indoors reading lots of books or simply doing music, I was practically awed by the sight of the rainbow. I jumped with joy and took my camera out yet my excitement was too much I was unable to get a nice shot after many attempts. Unable to contain my excitement I called my sister and tried to describe the rainbow that I saw. Amused, she told me that when we were kids, the sight of the rainbow is so lovely and always been a delight to see from the old farmhouse's playground with the Mount Apo in the background. She pointed out that I missed a lot of rainbows because I rarely went out to play under the sun. Gleefully, she cited the colours forming the hues of the rainbow and I laughed aloud in agreement.
Orlando was kind enough to take a nice photo of the rainbow that I have seen and appreciated for the first time. And the sight of the rainbow has made me realise what I had been missing- I have not been enjoying my life as fully as I can because of past hurts and disappointments. The sight of the rainbow was like an instant healing experience for me. While identifying the colours myself, I promised myself to take full control of my life. I decided that no outward circumstance/s, no failed relationship/s can emotionally cripple me -the way I had been before. Right there and then at the sight of the beautiful rainbow, I promised myself to leave any form of despair and that I will be happy no matter what. I will go on with my life and look forward to seeing more rainbows in the future.
True enough, minutes after seeing the lovely rainbow, the boarding call came. SeaAir, the same airline that took me to the island for the first time, had to fly me back to Manila. I was unable to relocate that year and a year after until I gave up. But I made it a point to visit Coron around the same time. I have enjoyed going back in this island around this time to recharge, rediscover myself and simply to enjoy the nature and its people, renewing my friendships year after year. And knowing how safe this island has been and happily noting a lot of positive changes especially in the infrastructures and numerous flight selections, I did not mind going back alone, just like what I did last year.
I have entirely changed my perspective in life after the sight of this rainbow. And although I have not seen any rainbow again anywhere I went, this sight that I witnessed in May 28, 2007 at 6:01 PM has remained in my heart. And happiness has never left me since. Everyday is always a celebration.